#编辑器#远程运行VS Code。体验在浏览器上使用VS Code
Connect to Google Colab using SSH
Open a file in your locally running Visual Studio Code instance from arbitrary terminal connections.
Turn your fresh cloud VM into fully functional VS Code for the web with HTTPS enabled.
Remote development on HPC clusters with VSCode
VS code development container for flutter
Terraform project that deploys VSCode Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (free tier) and protect the access with Cloudflare Zero Trust (optional) or an SSH tunnel
[Note: Not needed with VS Code anymore.] Forwards the host's ssh-agent into a Docker container on Windows and macOS hosts.
An example of using vscode, the remote development extension pack, and telepresence
#编辑器#Personal config files for Bash, Windows PowerShell, PowerShell Core and Vim/Neovim. Works on Linux/Windows/WSL/Cygwin/Git Bash/VS Code Remote - Containers. Good cross platform configuration that works...
#计算机科学#Docker + ML + SSH + CLI
Cool Google Colab Apps!
C++ development environment docker container
A template to demonstrate how to develop a C++ project in Visual Studio Code inside a container, using vcpkg dependency manager.
A template to demonstrate how to develop a C++ project in Visual Studio Code inside a container, using Conan dependency manager.
R sample project for trying out the VS Code Remote - Containers extension
Nuxt.js sample project for trying out the VS Code Remote - Containers extension