Packer templates for building minimal Vagrant baseboxes for multiple platforms
Informative site with EoL dates of everything
翻译 - 内容丰富的EoL日期信息站点
Training Course for Ansible Automation Platform
翻译 - Ansible自动化平台培训课程
The tools needed to robotically create/configure/provision a large number of operating systems, for a variety of hypervisors, using packer.
RackShift 是开源的裸金属服务器管理平台,功能覆盖裸金属服务器的发现、带外管理、RAID 配置、固件更新、操作系统安装等。
Fully fledged (HA) Kubernetes Cluster using official kubeadm, ansible and helm. Tested on RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu with support of http_proxy, dashboard installed, ingress controller, heapster - using offic...
System installer for Fedora, RHEL and other distributions
Python container images based on Red Hat Software Collections and intended for OpenShift and general usage, that provide a platform for building and running Python applications. Users can choose betwe...
An ansible role to configure networking