和我一步步部署 kubernetes 集群
black-shop(黑店),基于springBoot2.1.13和Spring Cloud Alibaba.{latest.version}搭建的微服务b2c电商平台,持续开发中…………欢迎加入贡献团队
Terraform module to provision an Elasticsearch cluster with built-in integrations with Kibana and Logstash.
springcloud 微服务,Sring cloud Greenwich.SR1 spring boot 2.1.3.RELEASE 版本 。服务水平加垂直分层,集成xxl-job定时任务系统、Redis缓存、队列、分布式锁,监控,EFK 日志搜索方案集成实现等
Documents of Ceph, docker, harbor, k8s, etc...
Cloud Native Architectural Models using Archi. Contains models for CAAS, Cloud Native Applications, 12/15 Factor Applications with CI/CD/CS, monitoring and log management. Infrastructure components...
complete guide to learn Docker and Kubernetes with real-time application deployment
Helm chart to deploy a working logging solution using the ElasticSearch - Fluentd - Kibana stack on Kubernetes
A golang based operator to create and manage EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana) stack on Kubernetes
A sample environment running Elasticsearch, Fluentd and Kibana on your local machine.
Ansible Role - Elasticsearch Curator
Ansible role - Fluentd (td-agent)
A demo for installing EFK suite into Kubernetes
Alternative to ryotarai/fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-logs for ingesting AWS Cloudwatch logs via fluentd
Controller projects for a P3DX model simulated in MATLAB/CoppeliaSim
Madcore Core CLI - Kubernetes Clusters with a Single Point of Truth
Boilerplate for Kubernetes Infrastructure As Code in AWS using Terraform