All CPU and MCU documentation in one place
翻译 - 所有CPU和MCU文档集中在一处
Extract the JSON payload from SHC QR codes (i.e Québec Covid Vaccination QR Codes)
cpm-vax: CP/M-VAX is a port of CP/M-68K to the VAXstation 2000 by Roger Ivie
A real-time multi-player space warfare game, originally written in RATFOR for VAX/VMS, but updated for the 21st century.
Digital Equipment Computer Users' Society (DECUS) was an independent computer user group related to Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).
Bongo is a responsive tool that quickly enables people to make type pairings, color, branding and photo choices in a live, responsive environment without writing any code.
My port of a third-party "CD" utility for OpenVMS from VAX MACRO to C++ (work in progress). I'm hoping to return to this project to finish it after I finish my Blackjack game for Android.
Compute Pi to an arbitrary number of digits using VAX FORTRAN
This is the original RAFOR source code for Conquest on VAX/VMS 4.4. It is provided for historical/archival use only.