A lightweight javascript timezone library
ezTime — pronounced "Easy Time" — is a very easy to use Arduino time and date library that provides NTP network time lookups, extensive timezone support, formatted time and date strings, user events,...
tztail (TimeZoneTAIL) allows you to view logs in the timezone you want
翻译 - tztail(TimeZoneTAIL)允许您查看所需时区中的日志
Lightweight time zone support for your applications or other date libraries.
Discord bot - Friend Time helps your server coordinate times and events by converting times mentioned in chat between time zones!
Repos of Powerapps Component Framework (PCF) Controls
⏳🗺 Automatically convert an Eloquent model's dates to and from the current user's timezone
Minimal utility to convert to or from any timezone. Deno/Node/Browser. ESM/CommonJS.
A fast, lightweight, zero-dependency library to translate between Time Zones and UTC with native Intl.DateTimeFormat in ~100 LoC.
🕑 Batteries included 🔋, simple, fast time zone Lookup by GPS coordinates (lat/long) coordinates.
A package that exports functions for converting, formatting, and nicening of dates/times in Dart.
IP Geolocation API Java SDK
Full stack application using Rust's Axum framework & Askama templating language with user auth management (JWT) + CRUD to a SQLite database (To Do List) and HTMX in the frontend.
Time Zone provides daylight savings aware transformations between times in different time zones.
Automatic FastLED Ring clock using NTP and parsing APIs for GeoIP location and Timezone offset
App for displaying different time zones with Alliance Auth
A small MediaWiki extension for dynamically displaying times in the user's timezone.