A secure, configurable file-sharing and URL shortening web app written in Rust.
Sample application with axum, askama, htmx and tailwind
Template for making web apps with Rust, Axum, and Askama
Full stack application using Rust's Axum framework & Askama templating language with user auth management (JWT) + CRUD to a SQLite database (To Do List) and HTMX in the frontend.
A todo application written in Rust with axum and sqlx.
A template repo for building websites with Rust
A fully E-commerce application built using rust
The new (and improved) RCOS website
An illustrative demonstration showcasing the integration of Rust and htmx within a basic embedded web server setup.
Rust (Axum) server, powered by askama templates, serving HTMX pages, and styled with Tailwind CSS todo application.
Simple Todo application on AXUM, ASKAMA and HTMX containing a CRUD elements and a popup window for items