🔮 Graphile's Crystal Monorepo; home to Grafast, PostGraphile, pg-introspection, pg-sql2 and much more!
翻译 - 执行一个命令(或安装一个Node.js中间件),并为您的PostgreSQL数据库获取即时的高性能GraphQL API!
Make your site’s pages instant in 1 minute and improve your conversion rate by 1%
翻译 - 让您的网站页面在1分钟内立即显示,并将转化率提高1%
vue instant allows you to easily create custom search controls with auto suggestions for your vue 2 applications.
翻译 - 通过vue Instant,您可以为vue 2应用程序轻松创建带有自动建议的自定义搜索控件
#编辑器#Marlin firmware instant configurator
#安卓#Google Play Instant Plugin for Unity Beta (Archived)
Context-aware AI reviewer for Pull Requests. Instant summary, line-by-line comments, title generation and more
Drop-in replacement for std::time for Wasm in browsers
Team-oriented tldraw built w/ InstantDB
RushDB is an instant database for modern apps and DS/ML ops built on top of Neo4j
Instant YouTube and Instagram video downloader for iOS.
OkMSG is an enterprise communication collaboration tool that focuses on data security and protection. It is an open-source project that supports Self-Hosted deployment and integrates multiple function...
A drop-in replacement for std::time::Instant that is faster and more accurate.
Loader module for webpack to execute your custom procedure. It works as your custom loader.