🔮 Graphile's Crystal Monorepo; home to Grafast, PostGraphile, pg-introspection, pg-sql2 and much more!
翻译 - 执行一个命令(或安装一个Node.js中间件),并为您的PostgreSQL数据库获取即时的高性能GraphQL API!
Filtering on PostGraphile connections
Serverless GraphQL endpoint for PostgresSQL using AWS, serverless and PostGraphQL
News feed built with react-native, apollo-client and graphql & powered by postgraphql
Nested mutations for Postgraphile
Relay (React), Postgres, and Graphile (GraphQL): A Modern Frontend and API Boilerplate
Auth enabled Express Server with PostGraphile and PostgreSQL
A batteries included, config lite, fullstack framework to build modern web apps
Filtering Connections by Tenants in PostGraphile
This npm cli module will detect changes in your schema, and apply them to your database
Example Tour of Heroes project from an angular.io guide, but using a real relational database server (PostgreSQL), via GraphQL (generated using PostGraphile).
Minimalist end-to-end web app stack. React, Redux, Apollo, Docker, Postgresql+Postgraphql. Get rid of (most of) your serverside logic
hook into postgraphql mutations to send email via mailgun