novel-cloud 是基于 novel 构建的 Spring Cloud 微服务技术栈学习型小说项目。选用了 Spring Boot 3 、Spring Cloud 2022、Spring Cloud Alibaba 2022、MyBatis-Plus、ShardingSphere-JDBC、Redis、RabbitMQ、Elasticsearch 、XXL-JOB 等流行技术。
My study guide for the Spring Certified Developer certification
An Open Source Study App that developed with Flask and MiniProgram.记忆手卡小程序开源 【FLask + 微信小程序】(记忆卡片)(学习类App)|(入门项目)(flask项目)(有接口文档)
This is a responsive website that uses PWA app standards, completely created with React, React router and firebase
Instagram Clone made with HTML, CSS and JS, for study purposes.
Study Notion is an ED Tech (Education Technology) web application developed using the MERN stack.
Full game, open source project in Unity 3D engine(100+ scripts, about 6000 sloc, rich documentation available in polish and english)
This repository is a group of material and study guide to learn the concept of functional programming using javascript, much of it was extracted from JSCONF.
A Dynamic Study Vmprotect 1.x-1.9X Unpacking Toolkit, Recovery OEP, FIX PE, IAT and bypass protection with custom Loader and interceptor vmexit(aka context exchange) from packer stub.
🚘 Racing game | Submission project for Unity's course.
#博客#📝 One retentive zone to save my learning and thoughts.
A "from first principles" variant of "usermanager-example", the tutorial Clojure web application by Sean Corfield.
📖 Challenges Your Chef Skills By Solving Real Questions.
翻译 - :book:解决实际问题,挑战您的厨师技能。