#大语言模型#🤖 可 DIY 的 多模态 AI 聊天机器人 | 🚀 快速接入 微信、 QQ、Telegram、等聊天平台 | 🦈支持DeepSeek、Grok、Claude、Ollama、Gemini、OpenAI | 工作流系统、网页搜索、AI画图、人设调教、虚拟女仆、语音对话 |
qq协议的golang实现, 移植于mirai
Explore RootSec's DDOS Archive, featuring top-tier scanners, powerful botnets (Mirai & QBot) and other variants, high-impact exploits, advanced methods, and efficient sniffers. Ideal for cybersecurity...
OneBot标准的Kotlin实现及mirai插件 - 原cqhttp-mirai
Leaked Linux.Mirai Source Code for Research/IoC Development Purposes
Mirai is a Server-Driven UI (SDUI) library for Flutter. Mirai allows you to build beautiful cross-platform applications with JSON in real time.
一个基于MiraiGO的QQ群推送框架, 内置支持b站直播/动态,斗鱼直播,YTB直播/预约直播,虎牙直播,ACFUN直播,微博动态, 也可以通过插件支持任何订阅源。
A Paper fork aim to find balance between performance, vanilla and stability
QQ机器人 /(实验性)在Android上运行Mirai-console,支持插件
Mirai 未来 - A powerful Minecraft Server Software coming from the future