#大语言模型#🤖 可 DIY 的 多模态 AI 聊天机器人 | 🚀 快速接入 微信、 QQ、Telegram、等聊天平台 | 🦈支持DeepSeek、Grok、Claude、Ollama、Gemini、OpenAI | 工作流系统、网页搜索、AI画图、人设调教、虚拟女仆、语音对话 |
The reverse engineering the chat feature of the new version of Bing.新必应聊天功能的逆向工程
#大语言模型#集成ChatGPT和New Bing到微信,提供New Bing聊天小程序,额外集成了Google Bard和文心一言
#大语言模型#a Node.js package inspired by the Python version [EdgeGPT](https://github.com/acheong08/EdgeGPT) repository.
New Bing API with Jailbreak by Default for Deno
#Awesome#A list of AI services and AI applications which can help you work and study.
A simple app for macOS that lets you quickly access Bing Search from your menu bar
A Tampermonkey script to enable the search results on Google and Bing support ultra-wide screen eg 21:9 screens. you can move the left-padding space by hidden resizebar, the central of 21:9 its by def...