#大语言模型#在Unity编辑器中使用ChatGPT、BingChat、GoogleBard来生成并执行代码。(Use ChatGPT, BingChat and GoogleBard to generate and execute code within the Unity editor.)
The reverse engineering the chat feature of the new version of Bing.新必应聊天功能的逆向工程
#编辑器#AutomationIDE , Python IDE creare by Python, Include [WEB, API, GUI, Load & Stress] automation.
#大语言模型#Discord bot with Gemini, GPT-3.5, Microsoft Copilot, Bing Image Creator, DALL·E 3, Other AI Applications
Голосовой помощник - чат с bingGPT / Bard (на русском) / ChatGPT 3.5 для предоставления ответов на запросы, может выполнять пользовательские команды, написан на асинхронном Python, и многое другое...
A basic implementation of a Bing Chat webscraper, with image and text uploads!
#大语言模型#Copy selected code and automatically remove comments, blank lines, and leading/trailing spaces from a selected code snippet. Useful for pasting lots of code into AI prompts. (AHK and Bash version)
Microsoft's Bing Chat AI
#大语言模型#Audio-based Chatbot This is an audio-based chatbot that listens to voice prompts and responds with text-to-speech. The bot uses the Bing (free) and OpenAI API (not free🤡) for generating responses to ...