Simple CSS and JS animation of the Japanese tree-spirit:
#IPTV#Variedad de listas IPTV M3U para usar con cualquier reproductor de IPTV, como por ejemplo DangoPlayer
New tab chrome extension that uses studio Ghibli works. Very customizable.
#IOS#Studio Ghibli Movie database in Swift. For iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS.
Studio Ghibli inspired GitHub Pages:
#Awesome#👓 A Collection of Studio Ghibli Anime Works Images conveniently arranged to use and download at ease. [Wallpapers]
An index of Studio Ghibli films. You can search for your favorites, and check their details.
A web application that uses the Studio Ghibli API to provide an index of their films and details so you can choose your favorite to watch. You can search, and click on each card to get more details! C...
⛩️🌸Creating anime themed static website using HTML and CSS🍥☯
Simple react app built using the Studio Ghibli API
Scrapeando (ou raspando) a página do Studio Ghibli, na Wikipédia.
Pagina de um filme de um site de streaming fictício desenvolvido durante o quinto desafio do servidor Codelândia.
✈️⬇️ Test: scrollytelling with Scrollama via {rolldown}
Repositorio de pequeños proyectos de desarrollo web, consiste en el maquetado de diferentes páginas
#计算机科学#Analysis of Studio Ghibli film genres to identify the most popular and financially successful ones. Uses Python, Pandas, Tableau, and Jupyter to guide future projects and marketing strategies.
A dynamic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript solo project.