The next generation of tooling for Spring Boot, including support for Cloud Foundry manifest files, Concourse CI pipeline definitions, BOSH deployment manifests, and more... - Available for Eclipse, V...
E-commerce application using Angular as an Front-End and Spring-Boot as an Back-End
Unlock the power of Lambda Expressions in Java! Experience concise and flexible functional programming with behavior passed as arguments. Dive into for curated examples showc...
The method reference is nothing but the simplified version of the lambda expression. Instead of providing an implementation body, a method reference refers to an existing available method
Dockerfile and scripts needed to build and run Jaba 8 + Spring Tools 4 IDE + git +maven all in a Docker Container
In this project a detailed review of trip management system. The main objectives of this project to know the package related to the trip and journey with best facility and current offer. Searching wil...
I Develop and Implement a Java Based Application for Globsyn to control and manage the records of the Employees and Departments for Human Resource Management.
The Automated Student Registration System is an online solution that simplifies and automates the student registration process in educational institutions. It includes features like online registrati...
This is an E-Commerce API project developed using Spring Boot. The API allows managing users, orders, products, and categories for an online store.
Api Rest para Electro Things con Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, JWT, Spring Data MongoDB, SpringFox, Swagger UI, Maven, Lombok, Postman, Log4j, Git, MongoDBCompass, MongoDB y Otras Tecnolog...
The main objective of creating this project is how an administrator can provide course, batch, and daily schedules to all his faculty so that the faculty does not face any problems in getting the cour...
📚 Sistema para empréstimo e devolução de livros utilizando Java, Spring Boot, HTML, Javascript e Bootstrap.
The main aim of this system is to maintain and manage the detail information of the crime happened in an area under a particular police station. This software will be used by the police officials in...
Meta Platform - A Platform Project based on React.JS and Spring Boot (Spring React Week) @acenelio @devsuperior
Mergulho Spring Rest apresentado pela AlgaWorks. Com foco em criação de API's Rest utilizando Java e Spring.
Api Restful para la Aplicación Web de Microelectrónica implementando Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data Jpa, SpringDoc-OpenApi, Swagger UI, Maven, Lombok, Log4j, Git, SQL Developer y Oracle
Customers will be able to add their money in the wallet. Customer should be able to pay different bills using the wallet.
About The main objective of this project is to cater the needs of the passenger who are traveling from one point to another. This project have contains essential modules like Customer and Administrato...