According to the device list at, the Shenzhen Fingerprint Reader for device ID 27c6:5395 is not supported. I didn't get it t...
大湾区十月黑客节 2023: 开源项目牵手活动 庆祝 Hacktoberfest 10周年
用于深圳市的播报时间 bash 脚本 -- 利用百度语音合成功能,将时间、从深圳气象台获取的天气信息播报出来
#计算机科学#Using Neural Networks on Chest Xrays to find abnormal and normal xrays to diagnose for Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Shenzhen Metro: Metro Management System - Database and API Design Projects - SUSTech's projects of course CS307: Principles of Database System in Spring 2024 - Scores: 95/100 for Project 1 and 102/100...
[IEEE-IRI 2023] "A Fully Connected Reproducible SE-UResNet for Multiorgan Chest Radiographs Segmentation" by Debojyoti Pal, Tanushree Meena, and Sudipta Roy.
Third-party flutter client for Shenzhen Library OPAC system.