IBM Equal Access Accessibility Checker contains tools to automate accessibility checking from a browser or in a continuous development/build environment
This is just a script I put together to check and notify me via email (MailGun) when there's an earlier date before my initial appointment date. It doesn't handle rescheduling.
A cheat client for AmongUs even though it's definitely not working anymore
Population, area, and density data for US counties.
AQIPython is a Python module that calculates the Air Quality Index (AQI) for various air pollutants based on different standards.
Columbia University: COMS 4995 Applied Computer Vision, US license plate OCR fine-tune
Extracts Covid-19 and other demographic metrics regarding U.S.A and Italy
Download US Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Micro Sample (PUMS) complete data files from US Census' FTP server.