Rock Paper Scissors Game with Artificial Intellegence
Rock paper scissors is a hand game usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are "rock", "paper", and "sc...
This is a simple repo of the replica of popular game rock,paper,scissors . Using python we have 2 players (computer itself and user).
The purpose of this experimental program is to provide a network version of the hand game Rock-paper-scissors using TCP.
#计算机科学#Rock Paper Scissors Machine Learning Web (Use my "Rock-Paper-Scissors-ML")
You may have played rock, paper and scissors before. Maybe you've used it to decide who pays for dinner or gets the first player for a team. But at this time you could learn how to encode Rock, Paper,...
A simple Rock Paper Scissors game, you can play this game with computer.
A Simple Rock Paper Scissor Game
This is a classic "Rock, Paper, Scissors" game with some ASCII aesthetics. After the welcome message, the game asks you to choose between the three choices. Then it let the computer choose its choice....
Jankenpo Challenge by Frontend Mentor. ~ React, Framer Motion and Mobile First.
#编辑器#👶 Scissors-Rock-Paper in Python, Good for beginners to understand while loops, if queries and more! The code is written in a simple and understandable way, as well as commented.
Rock Paper Scissors Machine Learning CLI (Use my "Rock-Paper-Scissors-ML")