#安卓#RTMP live streaming client for Android
翻译 - 适用于Android的RTMP实时流客户端
Based on the NGINX/RTMP/HTTP-FLV/HTTP-TS/HLS/HLS+/DASH/H.264/H.265/AAC/MP3/Live/Record/VOD/Push/Pull/Multiple Processes/Dynamic Configuration/Configuration Variables/Console Interface/Notify
翻译 - rtmp / http-flv / hls / hls + / http-ts / pull / push / relay / upstream / rtsp / nginx
#安卓#Android real-time effect filter rtmp streaming library.using Mediacodec HWencoding&librtmp stream.
#安卓#HardwareVideoCodec is an efficient video recording library for Android. Supports software and hardware encode. With it, you can record a video at any resolution, no need to care about camera resolutio...
React native live stream using RTMP
rtmp streaming from opencv with ffmpeg / avcodec using C++ or Python
📹 Live stream RTMP Publisher for React Native
#安卓#Live Hidden Camera is a library which record live video and audio from Android device without displaying a preview.
Restream a video source to multiple destinations such as Twitch, YouTube, Owncast and Peertube 📡
Docker Nginx 搭配 RTMP HLS 建立簡易直播 Server
Android Screen recording and streaming application
A containerize NGINX server with the RTMP plugin to allow live streams to multiple providers such as Twitch, Facebook, or YouTube simultaneously from a single source.
Using js and flash to implement a rtmp streamer
React App using OBS for live video streaming
NGINX Stats Monitor. Monitors your NGINX RTMP connection/s and switches OBS scene on a failed connection. Ideal for IRL/live streaming.
Custom RTMP livestreaming for Sony action cameras like the x3000/AS300
#IPTV#How to install and activate Flussonic Media Server
#安卓#RTMP live streaming client for Android
μRTMP is a simple low-overhead minimal RTMP server with embedded UI to watch your live streams.