Based on the NGINX/RTMP/HTTP-FLV/HTTP-TS/HLS/HLS+/DASH/H.264/H.265/AAC/MP3/Live/Record/VOD/Push/Pull/Multiple Processes/Dynamic Configuration/Configuration Variables/Console Interface/Notify
翻译 - rtmp / http-flv / hls / hls + / http-ts / pull / push / relay / upstream / rtsp / nginx
OTT/ABR streaming encoder (H264/HEVC) and packager for DASH and HLS
Simple audio HLS streaming server based on Liquidsoap
Example project how-to build HLS-streaming server using oat++ Async-API.
#IPTV#IPTV transmux proxy for HTTP(S)/HLS(S)(AES128)/UDP/RTP/RTSP + VOD, MPTS/T2MI(PLP) demux
high performance,industrial rtmp streaming server,a lot of optimization on http,rtmp,hls,http-flv,streaming relay(rtmp pull relay/rtmp push relay),KeyFrame cache,GOP cache,RESTful,and recording, playb...
Software for live-streaming and recording lossy (AAC) or lossless compressed audio (HLS, DASH, FLAC) via AWS S3 buckets. ⭐
cms is an industrial-strength live streaming server,support rtmp,http-flv, the future,it will support more protocol.
A minimalist HLS proxy created to facilitate HLS broadcasting from disparate edge devices over the web.
Angular App as Synology DSM Landing Page
Configure Apple HLS Server on Windows 10/11.