A media streaming server based on nginx-rtmp-module. In addtion to the features nginx-rtmp-module provides, HTTP-FLV, GOP cache, VHosts (one IP for multi domain names) and JSON style statistics are su...
翻译 - 基于nginx-rtmp-module的流媒体服务器。除了nginx-rtmp-module提供的功能外,现在还支持HTTP-FLV,GOP缓存和VHOST(一个IP用于多个域名)。
Based on the NGINX/RTMP/HTTP-FLV/HTTP-TS/HLS/HLS+/DASH/H.264/H.265/AAC/MP3/Live/Record/VOD/Push/Pull/Multiple Processes/Dynamic Configuration/Configuration Variables/Console Interface/Notify
翻译 - rtmp / http-flv / hls / hls + / http-ts / pull / push / relay / upstream / rtsp / nginx
💡日前正在使用 TypeScript + Pnpm + Monorepo + Solidjs + Rspack + WebGL + Canvas2d 进行重构中;欢迎各位NiMediaOrg开源爱好者为该播放器贡献你们的微薄之力
Vue+TypeScript+Antd基础脚手架, 内含视频播放器
🎈 Easy-to-use video player for Vue 3.x
Video.js tech using flv.js for FLV playback.For ES6 modules.
React video player!support hls flv.
Video streaming platform using React redux twitch clone using react-redux-router redux-form and RTM server
In this project, I created a React application that streams videos on the user's local computer
A streaming web app made using React, Redux, Redux-form, Redux-Thunk, flvjs.
A React and Redux Twitch clone, with a simple REST-API backend implemented using the json-server npm package, and streaming implemented using a rtmp server and flv.js