normalize.css 标准化各种元素样式,覆盖部分浏览器默认CSS样式,保留了有用的一部分。并保证了不同浏览器之前的一致性
Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema
翻译 - 根据架构标准化嵌套的JSON
A 'CSS reset' for TypeScript, improving types for common JavaScript API's
🐒 Normalize browsers' default style
翻译 - 🐒规范浏览器的默认样式
CSS custom properties to help accelerate adaptive and consistent design.
翻译 - CSS 自定义属性有助于加速自适应和一致的设计。
Symfony polyfill for intl's Normalizer class and related functions
翻译 - 该组件为Intl扩展提供的Normalizer类提供了一个后备实现。
#自然语言处理#Persian NLP Toolkit
The Modern CSS Reset 🚀
翻译 - Reseter.css-未来派CSS重置/规范化器
A robust email syntax and deliverability validation library for Python.
🎵 Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json.
#UI框架#Bojler is an email framework
翻译 - Bojler是一个电子邮件框架
REcollapse is a helper tool for black-box regex fuzzing to bypass validations and discover normalizations in web applications
A script to reset Cursor editor's device identification system. Helps resolve account restrictions and trial-related issues.
#计算机科学#Official PyTorch implementation of "VITON-HD: High-Resolution Virtual Try-On via Misalignment-Aware Normalization" (CVPR 2021)
Code for Switchable Normalization from "Differentiable Learning-to-Normalize via Switchable Normalization",
Opinionated reset stylesheet that provides a clean slate for styling your html.
翻译 - 带有重心的重置样式表,可为您的项目提供简洁的样式。