Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema
翻译 - 根据架构标准化嵌套的JSON
Async State Management without the Management. REST, GraphQL, SSE, Websockets
🎶 A SoundCloud Client in React + Redux running in production. Live Demo and Source Code to explore React + Redux as a beginner.
Generate GraphQL queries from models that can be mocked and normalized.
⚛️ React-Redux application sample with all the best practices
Managing normalized state in ngrx applications - transparently
Redux state with immutable.js, normalizr and reselect
Higher-order reducer for store entities received from normalizr and makes it easy to handle them.
A real-world demonstration of flight search system made by React + Redux + Express + Google QPX Api
A modular approach to better organize redux stuff (not another library)
Implementing Tree Structure in MongoDB
A SoundCloud Client Build with React and Redux inspired by SoundNode(GraphQL Coming Soon!!)
build web app with typescript, vue and normailzr
Experimental TypeScript normalizr decorators for normalization of class and property definitions
Simple abstraction over normalizr and reselect to handle normalized entities
👾 Normalizes and denormalizes Arrays for Redux
Normalizr for mobx-state-tree