#游戏引擎#OpenRA 是实现早期西木游戏包括红警、命令与征服、沙丘的即时战略游戏引擎。C#开发,用到SDL & OpenGL,可以在现代Windows, Linux, *BSD 和 Mac OS X 上运行
Vanilla Conquer provides clean, cross-platform builds of the C&C Remastered Collection and the standalone legacy games.
An open source re-implementation of Red Alert written in C++.
Command and Conquer: Yuri's Revenge patches for CnCNet online gameplay.
EA Pathfinder Music Tool
RedAlertop is a small and lightweight software written in C# in order to allow us to receive Red Alert (Tzeva Adom) alerts directly to our desktop. The software runs in the background and does not req...
A stand alone terminal app that can get "red alert" events from IDF's Home Front Command
Command and Conquer Ladder API built in Node, Restify and MongoDB
A Discord bot that sends notifications about red alerts in Israel
A whatsapp bot for red alerts, something that only Israeli peoples know
All the news and alerts from Israel
I implemented a way to integrate the Home Front Command Alerts API with Discord to provide live, real-time alerts, hopefully saving lives.
Red Alert Scenario Editor (EDWIN) patches for CnCNet online package.
The official CnCNet Red Alert package for online.