#计算机科学#Best Practices on Recommendation Systems
翻译 - 推荐系统的最佳做法
#计算机科学#A TensorFlow recommendation algorithm and framework in Python.
CTR prediction models based on deep learning(基于深度学习的广告推荐CTR预估模型)
A collection of resources for Recommender Systems (RecSys)
#计算机科学#OpenRec is an open-source and modular library for neural network-inspired recommendation algorithms
⚡ A python fast implementation of the famous SVD algorithm popularized by Simon Funk during Netflix Prize
pyRecLab is a library for quickly testing and prototyping of traditional recommender system methods, such as User KNN, Item KNN and FunkSVD Collaborative Filtering. It is developed and maintained by G...
Collaborative filtering recommendation system. Recommendation algorithm using collaborative filtering. Topics: Ranking algorithm, euclidean distance algorithm, slope one algorithm, filtragem colaborat...
A Lighting Pytorch Framework for Recommendation System, Easy-to-use and Easy-to-extend.
#计算机科学#Machine Learning (EE 5184) in NTU
PHP and wrapping Redis's sorted set APIs for specializing recommending operations.
#计算机科学#商品关联关系挖掘,使用Spring Boot开发框架和Spark MLlib机器学习框架,通过FP-Growth算法,分析用户的购物车商品数据,挖掘商品之间的关联关系。项目对外提供RESTFul接口。
🎥 Movie Recommender AI System
#计算机科学#This is a new deep learning model for recommender system, which we called PHD
🔱 Some recognized algorithms[Decision Tree, Adaboost, Perceptron, Clustering, Neural network etc. ] of machine learning and pattern recognition are implemented from scratch using python. Data ...
Finding recommendations between them all. Work in progress.
Code for RecSys'19 paper: Leveraging Post-click Feedback for Content Recommendations
#计算机科学#Recommendation engine in Java. Based on an ALS algorithm (Apache Spark). Train a new model after N seconds.