#安卓#Unofficial MangaDex Reader for Android 7+
#前端开发#An open source library for creative expression on the web, desktop, mobile and consoles. Inspired by the classic Flash and AIR APIs.
#安卓#Free and open source manga reader for Android
#前端开发#A foundational Haxe framework for cross-platform development
Neko is a cross-platform cursor-chasing cat. This is the reimplementation write in Go.
Neko is a cross-platform open-source animated cursor-chasing cat screenmate application
A haxelib for basic platform-agnostic concurrency support
Neko Clash TUN based Proxy
The most popular discord API Haxe library (because no others are good enough to be called a library)
Releases, issues, documentation, website of hexMachina, framework written in Haxe
A wrapper over AIOGram that makes creation of Telegram bots even easier
THE cute multi language multi purpose bot for discord!