#编辑器#A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt.
翻译 - 基于PyQt5的键盘驱动的类似vim的浏览器。
Nixy is a Hyprland NixOS configuration with home-manager, secrets and custom theming all in one place. It's a simple way to manage your system configuration and dotfiles.
i3 and qutebrowser inspired theme for firefox
My awesome dotfiles 🚀
🌐 Soothing pastel theme for qutebrowser
Qutebrowser userscript to fetch credentials from KeepassXC password database
🌸 Configuration for i3, kitty, picom, ZSH, gtk, qutebrowser, qbittorrent and more... (All tools for an arch linux new installation)
Ability to run qutebrowser with different profiles, choose a profile via dmenu/rofi interactively for new links
#编辑器#VIM plugin for markup editing with live preview
A userscript (in the future, maybe a plugin) to connecto qutebrowser to zotero standalone
#编辑器#My literate configurations and resources for a variety of GNU/Linux programs, window managers, Wayland compositors, and text editors.
greasemonkey youtube adblock, youtube sponsorblock and maybe more in the future
A Qutebrowser user script for hinting and copying code
arch linux/bspwm config files