桌面共享, 支持RTSP转发, RTSP推流, RTMP推流。
A tool developed in Rust to convert QSV to FLV(一个爱奇艺qsv转flv工具,不会生成多余的临时文件,使用Rust开发)
hardware codec for windows using ffmpeg (nvi qsv enc\dxva2 dec) 使用ffmpeg进行Qsv硬编码、Nvi硬编码、DXVA硬解码的封装API
Set of flows for Tdarr. Also lots of ffmpeg resources on how to use various encoders
Client for the Jellyfin Hardware Survey Server (https://hwa.jellyfin.org/). Benchmarks hardware performance for simultaneous ffmpeg transcoding, enabling detailed comparisons and insights for optimizi...
🌐 Promo website for qsv pro, a spreadsheet data wrangling desktop app. Includes download links for Windows, macOS, & Linux. Website built with Astro as a static site.
A dockerized FFmpeg compiled with non-free codecs in.
Benchmarks for the concatenation of a large quantity of CSV files using awk, csvtk, goawk, mlr, qsv, xsv, and a naive custom shell script.
🧩 (WIP) The book "100 exercises with qsv". For new qsv users to read lessons and try out exercises either in-browser or locally in their terminal. Built with Jupyter Book.