A VA-API implemention using NVIDIA's NVDEC
翻译 - 使用 NVIDIA 的 NVDEC 的 VA-API 实现
Cast files to Chromecast, web browser or media player app over local network.
Docker files for easy stremio server and client. Images pushed to Dockerhub
Optimized media, analytics and graphics software stack images. Use the dockerfile(s) in your project or as a recipe book for bare metal installation.
trim video clips based on mpdecimate output, keep audio synced
Mirror repository of chromium-vaapi from RPMFusion
V4D is a high performance visualization module for OpenCV. It features vector graphics using NanoVG a GUI based on NanoGUI and OpenCL/OpenGL and OpenCL/VAAPI interoperability.
A "soft capture card" / Headless NDI® OBS offloading with HW transcoding
RTMP stream publisher with hardware accel