Written in C++ and using SDL, The Powder Toy is a desktop version of the classic 'falling sand' physics sandbox, it simulates air pressure and velocity as well as heat.
翻译 - Powder Toy是用C ++编写并使用SDL编写的,是经典的“落沙”物理沙箱的桌面版本,它可以模拟气压,速度以及热量。
A DEM toolkit for rapid simulation & quantitative analysis of granular systems
Source code and instructions for do-it-yourself projects.
Sand Game JS is a fast and powerful falling-sand game engine for desktop & mobile browsers. It allows players to experiment with various elements, such as sand, soil, water and fire. With grass and tr...
Sand Game 2 is a falling sand game that presents an empty canvas and a wide range of various elements. The player can create landscapes out of dirt, sand and water, then plant grass and watch it grow....
analysis module for PyGran: a DEM toolkit for rapid quantitative analysis of granular/powder systems
Interoperability tool for running DEM simulation
Notebooks on using, post-processing, and calibrating a discrete element method digital twin of a GranuTools GranuDrum using ACCES.
Powder game reproduction simulating heat and velocity written in C++ with openGL
dp3D is a Discrete Element code. A user's guide is available here: https://www.overleaf.com/read/xvtqjkgrppvd
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#计算机科学#Contains code to train neural networks based on simulated powder XRDs from synthetic crystals.
Website built to showcase the Jinx Framework using HTML, Tailwind CSS, and Jinx (PHP)
Web-based interactive calibration of a DEM digital twin of a GranuTools GranuDrum, matching one of 2352 simulations to an experiment.