Slevomat Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer provides many useful sniffs
GitHub PHP_CodeSniffer action. This workflow check the PHP, CSS and Javascript files for the wanted coding standards.
Codebase for future
In the creation of this web application, I focused on improving my expertise in REST API development using industry-standard tools such as Slim, Swagger/OpenAPI, PHPStan, and CodeSniffer. By actively ...
Define docker images for running Drupal coding linters.
Collection of PHP Coding Standards & Compatibility Rules Set for My Projects
SEO page analyzer allows you to find out the basic characteristics of websites.
Testing the theory of clean code in software to send email using PHP.
PHP-package to find difference between two files.
The Jobify API is built using Symfony framework and uses JWT for authentication. It also includes API documentation, input data validation, and quality tools like PHPStan and PHPCodeSniffer.
Coding Standard Rules for CodeSniffer for writing consistent PHP code
A Docker image that runs PHP Code Sniffer.
Service for orginizing tasks.
fhooe-webdev - A Vagrantfile and Vagrant Box for Web Development Classes.
A web-application for a company that sells and refills cartridges, as well as repairs F1 printers.
WordPress の動作を確認するためのリポジトリ
Docker image embedding php 7 and several tools useful for CI/CD cycles