❄️ 🗄️ Allow the use of a ramsey/uuid UUID as Doctrine field type.
PHP class to make interacting with a database ridiculusly easy
翻译 - PHP类可简化与数据库的交互
Doctrine ORM Module for Laminas
An event sourcing library, complete with all the essential features, powered by the reliable Doctrine ecosystem and focused on developer experience.
Add JSON query support to Doctrine DBAL and DQL
Database Abstraction Layer – concise secure API to construct queries & fetch data
Interoperability library to work with WordPress database in third party apps
Database Abstraction Layer (dbal) for Go. Support SQL builder and get result easily (now only support mysql)
Database Abstraction Layer, Schema Introspection, Schema Generation, Query Builders
DBAL for ReactPHP on top of Doctrine
A simple skeleton to build api's based on the chubbyphp-framework, mezzio (former zend-expressive) or slim.
[PHP 7] SQL Repository implementation
💡 Well-integrated Doctrine DBAL for Nette Framework (@nette)
🔌 A Doctrine DBAL Driver implementation on top of Swoole Coroutine PostgreSQL client