Convert Inkscape SVG drawings to KiCad PCB and footprint modules
Directly render SVG overlays into Gerber and Excellon files
翻译 - 将高分辨率位图图像渲染到PCB gerber文件
Plans to build Arcade PCB cases
STM32L0 and ESP32 MCU based PCB for PID and IOT applications designed using KiCad.
A cat-shaped RGB PCB badge to teach the basics of soldering 😺
Las insignias de ajolote son insoportablemente lindas. Creadas especialmente para enseñar a soldar su primera tarjeta electrónica
🌈⚡Pride badge PCB with LEDs, STM32, and 3D printed diffuser+case!
PCB Art Badge with WS2812B LEDs and attiny45 MCU
Designed and built a 30 V DC linear bench power supply