Directly render SVG overlays into Gerber and Excellon files
翻译 - 将高分辨率位图图像渲染到PCB gerber文件
A free open source cross-platform C++ library for parsing ODB++ Design archives, accessing their data, and building net list product models. Exposed via a REST API packaged inside of a Docker image.
Introduction to reverse engineering design file formats as presented on Hardware Developers Didactic Galactic meetup on October 9th
Collection of my libraries for the Autodesk EAGLE CAD tool
This project aims to be a schematic capture and pcb layout tool that is 100% javascript and can be embedded in to web applications
Python program to generate industrial electrical symbol library.
A Qt class to parse Autodesk EAGLE Schematics/PCBs/libraries
A unified place where I place my PCB BOMs to help visualising during manual assembly
@rhinodavid's collection of KiCad symbols, fooptrints, 3D Models
eSchema is an evolving 2D CAD software designed to be simple yet customizable. Currently in its initial development stage, the software aims to offer a range of drawing primitives and associated funct...
a tool to convert CSV output file of the BOM.ulp into neatly arranged excel file with an option to add distributor price using Octopart excel add-in.
Материалы проекта по разработке модуля исследования воды