Free and open source laravel eCommerce platform
翻译 - 为所有人建立的免费和开源的laravel电子商务框架,以建立和扩展您的业务。
Generative Art Marketplace
#区块链#Reactjs And Smart Contracts Open Source Basic Nft Marketplace App
#区块链#An NFT marketplace where users can mint ERC721-based Crypto Boy NFTs 💎🎨
This Repository contains list of Common NFT Attack Vectors. If you find any attack vectors missing, you can create a pull request and be a contributor of the project.
NFT Auction Product Type WordPress Plugin for WooCommerce – BID HAUS
翻译 - 用于 WooCommerce 的 NFT 拍卖产品类型 WordPress 插件 – BID HAUS
#区块链#OpenStore is an NFT store built on Polygon Blockchain (Mumbai Testnet)
#区块链#An NFT Marketplace React dApp prototype on the Polygon blockchain with basic functionalities such as acquire and mint NFTs using ERC721 Smart Contract and Interplanetary File System IPFS.
#区块链#An end-to-end blockchain based NFT platform for festival ticket booking and ticket reselling between trustless parties.
Create an NFT marketplace on top of your NFT collection on **any** EVM-compatible blockchain.
ART HAUS is an artist residency for the metaverse where NFT collectors can become keyholders and unlock privileged access to members-only exclusives. Our team is a collective of insanely passionate co...
This repository contains two bots for making bulk offers on NFT collections: one using browser automation and the other utilizing the OpenSea APIs.
A set of tools and libraries to bring creation, management, and sales of NFTs to any application.
This project provides sample codes to build a simple NFT marketplace with Amazon Managed Blockchain.
An NFT Marketplace running on ethereum, binance smart chain, polygon, avalanche, fantom, optimism and arbitrum powered by 0x smart contracts. Made in React/Next JS, MUI and Typescript.
NFT marketplace website using react.js and reactstrap
NFT Marketplace App UI with support for dark mode. Created by Martin Gogołowicz under 6 hours.