比 MySQL 和 MongoDB 快10倍的 OLTP 关系数据库和文档数据库
#时序数据库#GridDB is a next-generation open source database that makes time series IoT and big data fast,and easy.
翻译 - 物联网和大数据的高性能,高可伸缩性和高可靠性数据库
Aulas, exercícios e resumos sobre banco de dados
AntsDB is a low latency, high concurrency, MySQL compliant SQL layer for HBase
A light weight distributed key-value database system with table concept.
🎭 Database Integrity in Django: Safely Handling Critical Data in Distributed Systems
Automated benchmarking framework for various DBMS solutions.
Non-blocking CockroachDB client for Node.js. Forked from brianc/node-postgres.
#安全#StealthNewSQL : The Ultimate NewSQL Injection Tool - Your All-in-One Solution for NewSQL Database Security! 🛡️ Uncover, exploit, and secure NewSQL database vulnerabilities with this feature-packed co...
Highly scalable NewSQL database management system CockroachDB - Diploma Thesis - Measurements - Matjaž Mav
This code was developed as part of research conducted at the UMBC Big Data lab. The purpose of this work is to develop a framework which can benchmark new generation of databases for IoT data. This is...
Repositório de Banco de Dados Iniciante do Curso AlgaWorks
Projeto gerado para a disciplina de Tópicos em Banco de Dados (2020/2) - Profa. Dra. Sahudy Montenegro González, com a finalidade de elaborar um tutorial prático com dois sistemas de bancos de dados <...
An ArcadeDB database driver for CHICKEN Scheme (in less than 256 lines of code).
CollapsarDB is a new scale-out database targetted for HTAP and new type of DataBase.
Illustration of causal consistency under bolt-on layer.
Highly scalable NewSQL database management system CockroachDB - Diploma Thesis - Latex - Matjaž Mav