Mouse Jiggler is a very simple piece of software whose sole function is to "fake" mouse input to Windows, and jiggle the mouse pointer back and forth.
翻译 - Mouse Jiggler是一款非常简单的软件,其唯一功能是将鼠标输入“伪造”到Windows,并来回移动鼠标指针。
Desktop Automation Framework. Drive your mouse and keyboard with an easy to use language.
翻译 - 桌面自动化框架。使用易于使用的语言来驱动鼠标和键盘。
Keeps your computer awake by moving the mouse or pressing a key when you step away.
Simulate human mouse movements with xdotool
Modification of actual ghost-cursor for puppeteer, with more functionality and rewrited to work well with playwight.
Simple method of checking whether or not mouse movement or buttons (<windows 10) are injected
Nim GUI Automation Linux, simulate user interaction, mouse and keyboard.
An interactive, 3D art gallery featuring paintings and sketchings that I have done over the past while. This is a React-based application that leverages React-Three-Fiber to render my art in 3D with m...
Realistic mouse movements for building click bots
#计算机科学#A small deep-learning library to distinguish human and bot from their mouse movements.
The goal is to develop a neural network/machine learning-based solution to generate mimicked movements from a mouse given an initial xy position and a final XY position. Datasets will not be provided,...
A simple program for X11 window system that prents the cursor from crossing into another monitor when you do't want it to.
A python bot to move your mouse every few seconds to appear active on Skype, Teams or Zoom as you go AFK. 🐭 🤖
Records your mouse / keyboard movement and plays them back. Supports key combinations
Prevent your PC from sleeping with - "Don't sleep" or X-Sleep for short. It is a mouse jiggler with an inbuild timer and Hot-Keys for emergency stop.
Small app that moves your cursor to prevent sleep mode — efficient and virtually invisible.
A closer to the metal library for Xbox controller to keyboard and mouse input.
Arduino mouse jiggler for preventing a computer from locking in cases where it is not preventable in software (group policy).