Hide the mouse cursor when typing and show it again when the mouse moves
win2xcur is a tool that converts cursors from Windows format (*.cur, *.ani) to Xcursor format. It also contains x2wincur which does the opposite.
Highlight mouse pointer/cursor using a dot - useful for presentations, screen sharing, ...
Minimal X-application which hides the cursor on key-press and unhides it on mouse-movement efficiently.
The Ultimate Cursor Converter
GNOME's Adwaita cursor theme in sizes 24, 30, ..., 96 and custom colors
Adds system-wide Windows-like scrolling mode and conditional clicking using keyboard
Large software cursor for screen recording on X11
A simple program for X11 window system that prents the cursor from crossing into another monitor when you do't want it to.
Mirrors X11 (Xserver) input events from one PC to multiple over the network
A customised Breeze Hacked cursor set for linux
X11 tool that warps/moves the mouse to the Focused Window
Implementing a webcam-based Mouse interface driven by Facial Expressions.