An itsy bitsy floating window manager (220~ sloc!).
翻译 - 独具特色的浮动窗口管理器(已编译220〜sloc / 24kb!)。
A cross platform lightweight single-header simple-to-use window abstraction library for creating graphical programs or libraries.
#安卓#💻📱 A cross platform system abstraction library written in C++ for managing windows and performing OS tasks.
My fork of xwinwrap. Xwinwrap allows you to stick most of the apps to your desktop background.
#算法刷题#🌳 X11 tiling window manager using space partitioning trees
翻译 - 🌳X11平铺窗口管理器使用空间分区树
The task switcher for minimalistic window managers or standalone X11 session
Originally a fork of catwm, now an offspring of dwm with a streamlined featureset, plus some bspwm.
翻译 - 最初是catwm的分支,现在是dwm的后代,具有简化的功能集。
mouse-based window manager that can tile windows inside floating containers
read notifications from stdin and pop them up on the screen
Xlib window manager (at one time based on tinywm, but SmallWM has long outgrown it)
A dmenu rip-off with contextual completion
lcarsde is the LCARS Desktop Environment, which consists of lcarswm and additional tool applications. This repository contains general information.
DEPRECATED - USE lcarswm (LCARS Window Manager) is a window manager that is supposed to look like an LCARS interface. It's written in Kotlin and utilizing XLib.