#自然语言处理#📑 Galician corpus for misogyny detection
#自然语言处理#Code for replicating results of team 'hateminers' at EVALITA-2018 for AMI task
SemEval 2022 Task 5: Multimedia Automatic Misogyny Identification - baseline models and dataset
Official companion repository for the paper "A Metric Learning Approach to Misogyny Categorization" at the 5th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, ACL 2020
#计算机科学#Temis is an Automatic Misogyny Identification tool. Using Deep Learning models, it can be used to predict whether a text contains misogyny, which type it is and to whom it is targetted.
#自然语言处理#A replication study of the Demos report on gender and misogyny (https://demosuk.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Misogyny-online.pdf) and additional analysis.
#自然语言处理#Official repository of AMI, the shared task on Automatic Misogyny Identification at Evalita 2018
Opera Cepa - Cybertorture as Social Stratification. José Saramago, Exile, Extrajudicial Trials and Sentences, Psychiatric Circus and "How to meet an Angel". Neurolaw, Neurorights and Mental Freedom