Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
trends.earth - measure land change
Model of Agricultural Production and its Impact on the Environment (MAgPIE) - model code
🌊 Check whether a geographic coordinate is in the sea or not on the earth.
A web app to view CityDAO land parcels
A simple yet powerful factions plugin for SpongeForge.
Fast and efficient access to MODIS, VIIRS and GPM Earth Observation data with R
Code for Hawaii + ACLU app to show public access rights
Python tools to process spaceborne lidar (GEDI and ICESAT2) for land (pySL4Land) applications
A Python library for parsing real-world Public Land Survey System (PLSS) land descriptions (or "legal descriptions") for use in data analysis, GIS mapping, spreadsheets, etc.
A list of geodetic and geomatic journals
Aka elonjet | The application allows users to monitor the position, speed, and altitude of specified aircraft, then determine his status and publish accordingly to the Nostr Network.