Satellite imagery for dummies.
翻译 - 假人的卫星图像。
A collection of papers related to Geo-spatial Information Science in NeurIPS 2024.
A list of geodetic and geomatic journals
R package for landscape stratification, sampling, and modeling of environmental phenomena using spatial data in R.
A Python Library For GeoSpatial Data Propressing and Modeling!
A Kubernetes helm chart for the geospacial webapplication Geonode
#计算机科学#Spatial Analysis Empowered by Neural Networks
R Client Library for Web Land Trajectory Service
Rust binary to serach Pictures (based on EXIF) in a specific region.
home2park: Assess the spatial provision of urban parks
Personal Website of SpatLyu
Detect tree crowns basen on orthophotomaps and LiDAR data in local scale