#时序数据库#The Time Series Visualization Tool that you deserve.
翻译 - 您应得的时间序列可视化工具
A framework for real-time brain signal streaming with MNE-Python.
PyQt5 application for real time signal visualization
[DEPRECATED: use MNE-Python] Python module to stream and analyze EEG data in real-time
Use LabStreamingLayer to handle triggers with PsychoPy.
#计算机科学#Create real-time BCI's with the LSL, PyTorch, SKLearn and TensorFlow packages.
Use BrainFlow to read data from Open BCI board and send it as Lab Streaming Layer streams
Qt C++ application for streaming signals stored in Extensible Data Format (XDF)
Input device (mouse/keyboard) connector app for Windows
LieSL is a collection of modules to read and process labstreaminglayer streams on the fly
Reiz is a collection of python modules to present visual and auditory stimuli and send markers with LSL
A setup to evaluate working memory using EEG signals
Real-time EEG demonstration loops using LSL
XDF LabStreamingLayer data streams latency analysis (Unity markers vs photodiode and microphone)
Stream Gamepad (Xbox controller) analog stick positions and button events.
Python script that sends LSL markers (aka triggers) over the local network by pressing or releasing any of the two target keyboard keys.
Pupil Data Epoch Extraction Library