Repository for Coursera Web Development course[JHU] assignments and a mock variation of restaurant website.
A test harness and collection of crowdsourced test cases for @phf's compilers course
🎶 Plays random parts of songs for weekly listening quiz.
Simulated TCP and TLS implementations
A multiservice attachable device (to wheelchairs) for the elderly and handicapped to solve some of the daily challenges faced by millions worldwide.
A Python-based utility for distributed meshing.
A React-dashboard showing the current COVID-19 world and country stats - using the COVID-19-API with data from John Hpkins CSSE
#前端开发#Coursera : #HTML #CSS #Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University. This repo+ consists of the Solutions of the Module Assignments included in the course.
Mastering Software Development in R Specialization Capstone
Corona COVID-19 Dataset
A minimal COVID19 tracker in developed in ReactJS to show global stats for COVID19. Its uses JHU data.
😷 a user-friendly COVID-19 dashboard written for Shiny, featuring on-the-fly map switching and digestible summaries
#计算机科学#A deepnote repository for popular disease and health data to train, predict and empower aspiring data scientists
covid curve by county https://angry-archimedes-2061fb.netlify.com/
Data transformer for COVID-19 case counts from Johns Hopkins University
This is a data journalism project created for the MA in Data Journalism at Birmingham City University (BCU).
Repositories and projects related to the SHEPheRD CDC contract
Final Project 2 : Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE (DS as a Field, Master's Degree in Data Science of University of Colorado Boulder.)