InputStream based Netflix plugin for Kodi
翻译 - 基于InputStream的Kodi Netflix插件
A simple Kodi module that makes life easier for add-on developers relying on InputStream based add-ons and DRM playback.
Lightweight MQTT client written in Swift. Reads from InputStream in a background thread.
Doing things right, in the name of Sun / Oracle
Plugin de Kodi para reproducir contenido de Filmin para ES, PT y MX
Java IO streams handling sugar library
Fun I/O provides functional programming patterns and high level abstractions for simple and reusable synchronous I/O.
SameLogger is an Logger to handle and save (Error/Input) stream of all executable files!
Generates a customized pitch to a company and automates mailing this pitch over a Gmail-account to given receivers. God knows this could save me tons of time, but I better not use it if I want to actu...
A collection of InputStream, OutputStream, Reader and Writer implementations
App is an example of getting data from the remote data source performed by AsyncTaskLoader on the background thread. It's list of Earthquakes, each item shows eartquakes magnitude, time and location. ...
A point-of-sale (POS) software package for a bookstore using C++
Console-based game in Java modeled after Deal Or No Deal, utilizing multiple data structures to store user input and compute system output.
Linux script that attempts to make 🖥✏ Drawing Pad from a 💻Laptop Touchpad, Drawing tablets for digital art is an exclusive product monopolized by bamboo, waccom and are expensive to purchase. With t...
#安卓#Using Java NIO properties it will split large file into subfiles and then merge those subfiles
Wrappers for Input/OutputStream to thwart traffic analysis
文件传输基础——Java IO流,语雀浏览链接:
News app Udacity Android Basic Nanodegree Project.