A Hacking and Pentesting Tool for Windows
Infosec writeups, Bug bounty tips, Tweets & Many more that are picked from around the world || I personally use it || I try to mend it daily. So, stay tuned and learn something
Vulnerability Scanner for CVE-2021-1675/PrintNightmare
#数据仓库#Eco Stats Perú is a website aims to list solutions and show data that raise awareness about how Peruvians are influencing our environment, how we impact its resources and how we influence climate chan...
“all in one” Hacker Toolkit
Full My Life Are Toxic and Chutiyapo se Bhari
Some stupid script to make Hackercat full screen and talk to you
QMK Firmware for handwired Cherry Stream keyboard with OLED running Teensy 3.2
A Breakout clone written in C++/CLI using DirectX 8, complete with level editor written in C#.
Hack the Planet 2021 open source project for visualizing air quality data because everyone should have access to this data and clean air.
SDL_image 1.2.12 binding for the D progamming language.
Graphical frontend for Quake II's eraser bot mod
SDL 1.2.15 binding for the D programming language.