#计算机科学#NeuralProphet: A simple forecasting package
翻译 - NeuralProphet - a Neural Network based Time-Series model
#计算机科学#[AAAI-23 Oral] Official implementation of the paper "Are Transformers Effective for Time Series Forecasting?"
#计算机科学#Programs for stock prediction and evaluation
Web app to predict closing stock prices in real time using Facebook's Prophet time series algorithm with a multi-variate, single-step time series forecasting strategy.
#计算机科学#PyTorch code for CoST: Contrastive Learning of Disentangled Seasonal-Trend Representations for Time Series Forecasting (ICLR 2022)
#计算机科学#About Code release for "FECAM: Frequency Enhanced Channel Attention Mechanism for Time Series Forecasting" ⌚
#自然语言处理#Detection and Prediction of Users Attitude Based on Real-Time and Batch Sentiment Analysis of Facebook Comments
#计算机科学#This MVP data web app uses the Streamlit framework and Facebook's Prophet forecasting package to generate a dynamic forecast from your own data.
COVID-19 infectious forecasting using SEIR model and R0 estimation
#计算机科学#An adaptive model for prediction of one day ahead foreign currency exchange rates using machine learning algorithms
#计算机科学#Time series forecast using deep learning transformers (simple, XL, compressive). Implementation in Pytorch and Pytorch Lightning.
🏘️ The Town Energy Balance (TEB) model software and platform
#时序数据库#COVID-19 spread shiny dashboard with a forecasting model, countries' trajectories graphs, and cluster analysis tools
Code for paper "Sparse Variational Gaussian Process based Day-ahead Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Forecast of the level of pollution in the next hour in Beijing based on historical information
#计算机科学#This repository will work around solving the problem of food demand forecasting using machine learning.
#计算机科学#Novel algorithms to predict Remaining Useful Life (RUL) on NASA’s benchmark dataset, CMAPSS turbofan engine degradation simulation.
#时序数据库#Analytics Vidhya Hackathon
Predictive Analytics
Cash Flow Forecasting Challenge held in 2020 on the popular TopCoder hackathon platform. I created my ML forecasting model using Python SciPy libraries. The step-by-step guide from data exploration to...