How to install local shiny apps
Deploying flexdashboard on Github Pages with Docker and Github Actions
Presentation, pro tips, and tools for dashboarding like a boss:
📍❎ Demo: {crosstalk} materials for a talk at EARL London 2018
#区块链#shiny app to get personalised metrics on cryptocurrency investments
Curso abierto, gratuito y en español. Recorre las principales herramientas de visualización de generación de gráficos, mapas, informes y cuadros de mando en R
This is a repository for resources completed as part of the Johns Hopkins University Data Visualization and Dashboarding With R Specialization.
Analysis of number of hospitals versus population per county
Interactive Dashboard in R using flexdashboard, shiny and plotly
Rmarkdown, dashboards, and HTML widgets
#数据仓库#This project offered free activities to practise reproducible data presentation. Pablo Bernabeu organised these events in the context of a Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship.
A workshop, 'Open data and reproducibility: R Markdown, dashboards and Binder', led by Pablo Bernabeu and Eirini Zormpa at the UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (
interactive dashboards using flexdashboard and shiny
App para capturar los pronósticos de los concursantes de la quiniela para Rusia 2018
This repository contains all experimental data, including every respondent's survey, the final data set in Excel or CSV format, and the analysis code in R.