💹 Hackable charting lib for traders. You can draw literally ANYTHING on top of candlestick charts. [Not Maintained]
翻译 - 💹可交易的可入侵图表库。您可以在烛台图表上绘制任何内容。
📦 Extension pack for trading-vue-js (TVJS XP)
This program uses Vader SentimentIntensityAnalyzer to calculate the news headline overall sentiment for a stock
Interactive app to monitor market using Python
📊 Unique tool to link stock trading platforms and charts. It can also add tickers directly from Finviz, take screenshots, show sector & industry information, and has a wide list of hotkeys.
Async yahoo-finance python api with pydantic models.
#网络爬虫#Fast and multi threaded stock data scraper written in Java using HTMLUnit and minimal-json. Scrapes Finviz and Stocktwits for data, and stores the information in a csv file.
In this project, I generated investing insights by applying sentiment analysis on financial news headlines from Finviz.
#计算机科学#Scrape news headlines for FB and TSLA then apply sentiment analysis to generate investment insight.
Algorithmic Trading Bot in Python. Charles makes good decisions