High dynamic range (HDR) image viewer for graphics people
An image and texture viewer for tga, png, apng, exr, dds, pvr, ktx, ktx2, astc, pkm, qoi, gif, hdr, jpg, tif, ico, webp, and bmp files. Uses Dear ImGui, OpenGL, and Tacent. Useful for game devs as it ...
A simple research-oriented image viewer with an emphasis on examining and comparing high-dynamic range (HDR) images.
OpenEXR files able to isolate any object of a CG image with a perfect antialiazing
Asuna is a path tracer base on vulkan ray tracing pipeline with NVIDIA card.
Implements a new 'playblast' command that uses OpenImageIO (OIIO) to process and write image data.
Image Denoiser, Nvidia Optix, Intel OID, RenderMan Hyperion
A simple commandline tool to list files and pack frames sequences
Show thumbnails for OpenEXR images on Linux
Image Reader using OpenImageIO (OIIO) library plug-in for Autodesk Maya.
C++ path tracer based on Peter Shirleys books