Miningcore is a high-performance Mining Pool Software for Linux and Windows.
The management of multiple apps running over different ports made easy
#区块链#Programming Language for Smart Legal Contracts
React Components for Accord Project
STM32F4 breakout board in pro micro pinout. Designed mainly for ergo split keyboards.
Evaluate ergonomic keyboard layouts over multiple languages
#区块链#Accord Project Documentation
#区块链#Core off-chain component of Oracle Pools
Semi-automated conformance checking for IRC implementations (RFC1459/RFC2812, the "modern spec" by ircdocs, and IRCv3)
#区块链#🦾 Simple, powerful, and extensible Ergo Blockchain SDK
The ErgoAI reasoning engine, an advanced object-oriented knowledge management system
#区块链#The Frontend Of TeaParty
Ergo JS Library for communication with Ledger Hardware Wallets.
Disposition clavier ergonomique Ergopti, optimisée pour l’écriture du français, de l’anglais et du code.